What is the 2016 Top Solar Contractors list?
Solar Power World, the leading solar publication covering technology, development and installation, publishes the Top Solar Contractors list annually. The list includes hundreds of solar contractors and developers in the United States and Canada, listed and categorized by country, state, service and market.
Who can apply for the 2016 Top Solar Contractors list?
The list includes companies that provide the following services: EPC, Development, Construction, Electrical, Rooftop Contractor and Solar Hot Water. Companies can do work in any market segment, including utility, commercial, residential and off-grid.
How do I apply for the 2016 Top Solar Contractors list?
Applying is easy. Click here and fill out the three-page online form. Be sure the information you submit is complete and accurate. The deadline is May 27.
Can my company review the questions prior to filling out the application?
Yes. To see and download a PDF version of the application, click here. Please note, your application must be submitted through the online application portal.
When will the 2016 Top Solar Contractors list be published?
The list will appear in Solar Power World’s July issue, which subscribers will receive in late July. The list will also be published online around that time. Subscribe for the latest updates.
Where can I see previous Top Solar Contractors lists?
Previous lists are available on the Solar Power World website. Here are the lists for 2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012.
How are companies on the Top Solar Contractors list determined?
Companies are listed according to the capacity of projects they installed, developed or helped construct in the previous year. Each company is listed multiple ways: by state or province, market and service.
What are the different solar service definitions?
Developer – A company that secures financing for solar installations, often owning the result, and may or may not build the project, sometimes contracting with local EPCs.
EPC – Responsible for the engineering, procurement and construction of solar projects. Often the primary contractor and will sometimes appoint subcontractors to do construction or electrical work.
Rooftop Contractor – A solar installer that works primarily on rooftop installations.
Electrical Subcontractor – A company that performs specialized work related to the installation of electrical systems, often under contract with the developer or EPC.
Construction Firm – A company that often works under a developer or EPC on a specific aspect of a solar array, such as pile driving or building solar structures.
Solar Hot Water Installer – A company primarily involved with solar hot water installations.
How is information on the Top Solar Contractors list verified for accuracy?
The Solar Power World team takes the validity of information presented on the Top Solar Contractors list seriously. We reserve the right to remove any company that appears to have misrepresented itself. Companies that are unable to verify their work with documentation will be removed from consideration.
Solar Power World has compiled an advisory panel comprised of contractors and developers from across the country who will review the list prior to publishing.
In addition, SolarReviews.com has agreed to check applicants against its extensive database of consumer reviews, providing a check for good business practices.
What companies are on the Top Solar Contractors list advisory panel?
The following companies have volunteered to review applicants in their region for possibly erroneous information. If your company would like to be involved in the important work of the advisory panel, please e-mail Kelly Pickerel at [email protected].
SunHarvest Solar
Palomar Solar
E Light Wind and Solar
Sunsense Solar
A1A Solar Contracting
Solar Impact
Solar Source
Photonworks Engineering
Solar Energy World
New England Clean Energy
Helios Solar
Helix Electric
Sol-Up USA
New York
Lighthousesolar Hudson Valley
Simply Solar Systems
North Carolina
Yes! Solar Solutions
Elemental Energy
Exact Solar
LightWave Solar
Tennessee Solar Solutions
Greenbelt Solar
Texas Solar Outfitters
Intermountain Wind and Solar
More to come…
Will there be a Top Solar Contractors Gala this year?
Yes. This year’s event will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada, during Solar Power International. More information will come available after the list is published.
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