Solar Power World September 2020 Digital Edition is sponsored by CPS North America | Chint Power Global
Everything is weird
Weird. That’s the only way I can describe life right now. Everything is weird. It’s weird that I’m working permanently from home. It’s weird that we’re not traveling to Las Vegas or California this year for a tradeshow. It’s weird that most of our interactions are happening through a tiny screen. It’s weird that business — and life — must still go on.
We’re sticking to a normal schedule here at Solar Power World. We’re still covering the latest news every day on , and you’ll see the same great product features in this issue as before. With it being September, our issue is usually heavily focused on Solar Power International. Although the in-person event has been canceled due to continued COVID-19 concerns, we’re still dedicated to bringing you news on product releases and trending conversations held at the virtual event over the next two months.
We’re not shying away from the weirdness. Life is still going on out there, and there are many important solar developments happening right now. Besides tradeshows, product releases and educational opportunities moving online, there’s also a pretty big national election coming up. In this issue, we look at how the presidential candidates view the solar industry and economic policies. Oh, and it’s hurricane season, so let’s make sure your mounting systems are able to adequately handle increased wind speeds — especially since there was a “rare inland hurricane” that hit Iowa in August. All the more reason for everyone to take climate change platforms into consideration when placing your vote this November.
Thanks for sticking with us through this weird time. See you soon on the other side.
Kelly Pickerel
Editor in Chief
[email protected]
First thing first. Yes, it’s wierd. It’s wierd because all the conferences and exhibitions are happening online. It’s like we’re eating online!…
The meaning of globalization has lost its meaning. Globalization had brought the world come closer and made the world of integration. But the Covid-19 has brought the world of differentiation. Globalization had made the countries come together. Now it is shattered. At the time we could see ‘One World One Grid’ through solar energy, we are a divided ‘family’.
Do you think that the earth resources won’t be dwindled fast if every country manufactured ecerything by itself?
For more than a decade, whole world made China as the manufacturing hub – a cetralized ‘kitchen’ of the united ‘undivided family’ trade world. Now the joint family is divided. There are going to be kitchens everywhere! Fishes are also forced to learn flying and birds swimming. This will make the world even wierd, and strained.
Whole world used China’s low-cost products. Suddenly stopped. Will every other country capable of making things like China made? I doubt.
It’s imperative that technologies are not going to unite the world but divide it. It’s sad that the world is on the brink of collapse. Technologies do not make man. Man makes technologies. If the world of technologies has not contributed to the peace and harmony of the world, there is no civilization. After all, all actions of man is to make the world civilized and a better place to live for every living being. That’s how we can be united to fight the climate change and maintain the ecology and positively contribute to the earth and environment….
Sorry, deliberately I avoided discussing on solar modules, solar inverters, solar mounting structures and so on. What’s the use of climbing and hanging on to a pillar of a ship and feeling safe when the ship itself is made to sink?