Comments on: Racking manufacturers evolve their systems for increasing panel sizes 2021 Trends in Solar /2021/01/racking-manufacturers-evolve-their-systems-for-increasing-panel-sizes/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Thu, 21 Jan 2021 23:23:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solarman /2021/01/racking-manufacturers-evolve-their-systems-for-increasing-panel-sizes/#comment-100830 Thu, 21 Jan 2021 23:23:57 +0000 /?p=93017#comment-100830 “Structural code ASCE 7-16 helps engineers calculate system loads on rooftop projects across many industries, but it also sets limits on structures that can be installed on a roof, including solar panels. The code limits PV module cord length to 6 ft. 7 in. (2.04 m) on flush, flat and pitched array designs, and larger-format panels are bucking against that limit.”

I believe that in most States of the union, OSHA limits the one man lift to 50 pounds, 22.73kg. Some of these large cell panels are in the 24 through 28 square feet of panel area. Many of these panels are 70 to 80 pounds or 31.8 to 36.4kg. When one gets to Mediterranean style roofs 24 to 28 square foot panels may not allow maximum solar PV harvest as a smaller 18 square foot panel would offer, more panels in the same available roof space. I would say larger area panels will bring up the installation BOS parts and cost more overall.
