Comments on: Without a lifetime of maintenance support, residential solar systems can be orphaned /2021/03/without-a-lifetime-of-maintenance-support-residential-solar-systems-can-be-orphaned/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Thu, 28 Oct 2021 17:08:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mouli Vaidyanathan /2021/03/without-a-lifetime-of-maintenance-support-residential-solar-systems-can-be-orphaned/#comment-104026 Sun, 28 Mar 2021 00:43:46 +0000 /?p=93687#comment-104026 The solar system has two main failure points – inverters and structural damage.
Structural damage is typically from rack mounts on the roof impacting the roof structure.
In residential systems 6 to 10 holes are placed for every kW installed. If the installer goes out of business in 5 years, the solar system owner is left high and dry. That’s why Z Rack with no roof holes protects the owners.
If the racking system company goes out of business, the secondary market for those rails are non-existent leaving owner high and dry. That’s why Z Rack uses readily available components.
Inverter companies especially the MLPE have long term viability concerns mainly due to price pressures and reliability.

By: Solarman /2021/03/without-a-lifetime-of-maintenance-support-residential-solar-systems-can-be-orphaned/#comment-103701 Fri, 19 Mar 2021 18:31:16 +0000 /?p=93687#comment-103701 “Commercial and utility customers are often afforded access to legal teams capable of tracking and fulfilling warranty obligations, Chase said, but residential customers might not have the same support. So, solar maintenance, installation and insurance services are trying to fill in that gap left when companies go out of business and leave homeowners and their arrays in the dark.”

I started 16 years ago with solar PV on the roof of my home. By the time I needed some technical assistance the company I used was bought out by Real Goods Solar and in my particular area they concentrated on larger scale solar PV, so residential was not their priority. An inverter failed and I called the company, gave them the serial number of the inverter, fail codes and in two days had a refurbished inverter sent to me UPS. I isolated the system, tagged the wiring and removed, pulled the old inverter off the wall and put the new inverter in it’s place. About 30 minutes later, I powered up the inverter and it started making power. Box up the old inverter and sent it back. The bottom line these companies track their product by model and serial number. If and when there’s a problem, you call the manufacturer and deal with them. If you need the labor done, you can always find a solar PV installation company in your area.

” “That was never part of our equation, but the way that we’re looking at it is we’re trying to uphold the reputation of the industry has left. It’s pretty sad the amount of people that call and the amount of money they’re spending for us to fix it,” he said. “In some cases, They would have been better off staying with the utility company. If consumers spent the same amount of research in finding the right company initially as they are in finding someone to fix it, they could be avoiding this situation altogether””

Most of the installations I’ve viewed have D.C. combiner box(s) and one can cut down on troubleshooting, by finding a string or strings that are sub-standard with the output. Having to take an entire array up is bad installation practices from the beginning. It seems troubleshooting equipment has come down in price also. It is possible to get an IR camera or detector that one can point and sample each and every panel in an array for hot spots and bad connections.
