Comments on: KORE Power to build massive lithium-ion battery manufacturing facility in Arizona /2021/07/kore-power-to-build-massive-lithium-ion-battery-manufacturing-facility-in-arizona/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Wed, 09 Aug 2023 19:01:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solarman /2021/07/kore-power-to-build-massive-lithium-ion-battery-manufacturing-facility-in-arizona/#comment-110702 Fri, 30 Jul 2021 07:00:45 +0000 /?p=95525#comment-110702 “The facility will have the capacity to produce enough power for 3.2 million homes each year, the company stated in a press release. KORE plans to start construction of the facility by the end of the year with the goal of beginning production in Q2 2023.”

The last population known for 2018 in Maricopa County was about 4.41 million population. The entire population of the State has been reported as 7,286,000 people. Depending on whose statistics you use, the daily electricity requirement in Arizona is right at 792MWh continuous or about 19GW a day ‘average’. I’d imagine in summer time it would be almost four times that of the rest of the year. Last year Phoenix set a new record (by one day) of temperatures of 100 degrees or over for 144 days of the year. Capacity for 3.2 million homes each year, yeah, I don’t think so, I’d like to see KORE’s full analysis of that claim.

“The new KOREPlex facility will add to the company’s current annual production capacity of 2 GWh that is in the process of scaling up to 6 GWh to serve the growing battery market. KORE Power’s U.S. facility will create more than 3,000 new manufacturing jobs in Arizona.”

So far these guys are in the utility scale energy storage business and could take care of the ‘average’ of 19GW with 172 thousand of their KORE Racks at some utility facilities, perhaps on the site of the old NGS plant in Northern AZ. Of course with what KORE has announced, it would take about 3 or more years of production to provide that level of energy storage units. Last I heard, even the IOU utilities are more than encouraged to go out to ‘competitive bidding’ of new facilities and equipment. KORE seems to still be pushing the NMC battery cell technology when many others have gone to LFP for temperature, thermal runaway and cycling concerns of the NMC technology. Then there’s the mention of Buckeye, now isn’t that where Nikola was going to construct their ‘massive’ truck plant? Then changed their mind and moved the “plant” to Coolidge? Yeah, when ‘this’ happens, then I’ll believe it. Right now, it seems like Buckeye is attracting SPAC abusers and somehow ends up the step child no one wants to talk about or commit to. The claims of 3,000 employees, in an industry that’s making its reputation on bringing down costs of battery cells and battery storage, also seems suspicious where automation at rapid speeds are needed to make high quality, mass volume of cells for battery packs. Still needs automation to load up and connect those cells into packs to compete on the World market in both power stored and price point per kWh.

By: Laura /2021/07/kore-power-to-build-massive-lithium-ion-battery-manufacturing-facility-in-arizona/#comment-110674 Thu, 29 Jul 2021 17:39:30 +0000 /?p=95525#comment-110674 Is this safe for us ?
