Comments on: Like everyone else, the solar market grapples with supply chain issues 2022 Trends in Solar /2022/01/like-everyone-else-the-solar-market-grapples-with-supply-chain-issues/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Tue, 18 Jan 2022 05:26:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom HARRIMAN /2022/01/like-everyone-else-the-solar-market-grapples-with-supply-chain-issues/#comment-123765 Tue, 18 Jan 2022 05:26:17 +0000 /?p=97120#comment-123765 All of this is ignoring the fact that California and Florida are under siege as to the ability to net meter. If these two states lose their battle for net metering the rest of the country will be under siege as well. All of this talk about supply chains will indeed be mute as homeowners see that going solar doesn’t make any sense to install. My point is if you don’t have any demand, talking about supply chains isn’t worth talking about.

By: Solarman /2022/01/like-everyone-else-the-solar-market-grapples-with-supply-chain-issues/#comment-123423 Tue, 04 Jan 2022 21:38:31 +0000 /?p=97120#comment-123423 Tariffs have proven NOT to work; the excuse of the Pandemic Covid-19 is being pushed front and center as an often-offered excuse to supply chain problems. The industry has known for years if not decades where their materials for the manufacturing line are coming from. None have stepped up to remediate the flow of materials within this country’s borders. The manufacturing industry is laser focused on MOUs that ‘allow’ imported supply chain materials flow to affect their product line in the name of “economies of scale”. When these flagrant and dismissive boards of directors of these companies push internationalization. What they should be DOING now is use the alternative energy technology on their manufacturing lines and create multiple revenue streams as they chase the “economies of scope”, needed to take local raw materials and turn these into a refined supply chain for their own manufacturing as well as a revenue stream to other manufacturers needing materials. This willing ignorance has allowed the “supply chain” to become weaponized by those countries who by and large own the mining, refining and distribution for manufacturing materials to manufacturers Worldwide. The path ‘we’ are on is the same path this country followed into the arms of OPEC. DO ‘we’ really want to go through this again?
