Comments on: Hanwha becomes largest shareholder in REC Silicon and will reopen Moses Lake factory in 2023 Company says SEMA Act is still needed to establish full U.S. solar panel supply chain /2022/03/hanwha-becomes-largest-shareholder-in-rec-silicon-and-will-reopen-moses-lake-factory-in-2023/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Wed, 09 Aug 2023 19:11:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Crusty /2022/03/hanwha-becomes-largest-shareholder-in-rec-silicon-and-will-reopen-moses-lake-factory-in-2023/#comment-126457 Thu, 24 Mar 2022 15:04:04 +0000 /?p=98077#comment-126457 20,000 MT is perhaps enough for 6-7 GW of mono-crystalline manufacturing, assuming latest wafer thickness standards and best-of-breed production yield at ingot/wafer/cell stages. That would be something like 2% of installed global capacity of 1.02 MT in 2023. It’s great to see any capacity in the U.S., but we shouldn’t be fooled into thinking this deal alone will appreciably change the dynamics of the marketplace.

By: JRK /2022/03/hanwha-becomes-largest-shareholder-in-rec-silicon-and-will-reopen-moses-lake-factory-in-2023/#comment-126453 Thu, 24 Mar 2022 12:14:08 +0000 /?p=98077#comment-126453 More important is China will still own the Market… Are there no American corps willing to step up and tackle this opportunity………

By: Solarman /2022/03/hanwha-becomes-largest-shareholder-in-rec-silicon-and-will-reopen-moses-lake-factory-in-2023/#comment-126426 Wed, 23 Mar 2022 19:54:20 +0000 /?p=98077#comment-126426 Thank you for the update.
REC seems to be the only game in town right now, the U.S. with the epiphany that China owns the silicon foundry capacity, the U.S. needs a couple more foundries here to feed wafers to new manufacturing facilities like Intel. If Hanwha pulls out of the U.S, market the REC facilities will once again be closed. We have just experienced when enough geopolitical clout is garnered to sanction a particular country, at the moment it is Russia. Folks would be naïve to think the same thing can’t happen to the U.S. IF the many corporations that have pulled out of Russia can happen there, there’s nothing stopping Hanwha (Q cells) from pulling out of the U.S. leaving REC in the lurch once more.
