New Mexico’s new interconnection ruling is one of the most progressive for solar + storage in the nation.
Georgia PSC declines to expand monthly solar netting pilot program
Atlanta, Georgia
On Dec. 20, the Georgia Public Service Commission voted for a final rate case order that declined to expand the monthly netting rooftop solar pilot program the PSC created in 2020 that credited solar owners at the full retail rate of electricity. Instead, the commission adopted Georgia Power’s proposal of instantaneous netting and a $100 interconnection fee for new solar customers.
CPUC guts California rooftop solar incentives
Sacramento, California
On December 15, the California Public Utilities Commission voted unanimously to approve the state’s next phase of the net-metering program. The new “net-billing” program will decrease the incentives paid for excess solar generation by an average of 75%, according to the California Solar & Storage Association.
New Mexico simplifies distributed resource interconnection and shifts to smart inverters
Santa Fe, New Mexico
A ruling by the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission in late 2022 significantly improved the state’s interconnection rules by incorporating national best practices for the review of solar and energy storage projects. The new rules aim to reduce cost and time barriers to the safe and reliable interconnection of energy storage by recognizing their limited-export capabilities.
Commerce suggests antidumping tariffs be extended to solar cell and panel imports from Southeast Asia
Washington, D.C.
The Dept. of Commerce released its preliminary decision that certain Chinese solar cell and panel producers in four Southeast Asian countries are working in those countries to avoid paying duties on Chinese-made solar goods. Commerce has suggested an extension of antidumping/countervailing duties (AD/CVD) to solar cell and panel imports from companies working in Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
Consumers Energy increases distributed generation limit from 2 to 4%
Jackson, Michigan
Consumers Energy filed a settlement agreement with the Michigan Public Service Commission voluntarily raising the utility’s cap on distributed generation from 2 to 4%. The utility also agreed to increase the outflow credit, or the rate provided to distributed generation customers who provide energy to the grid.
Gov. Hochul releases roadmap for 6 GW of New York energy storage by 2030
Albany, New York
Gov. Kathy Hochul announced a new framework for the state to achieve 6 GW of energy storage by 2030, which represents at least 20% of the peak electricity load of New York State. If approved, the roadmap will support a buildout of storage deployments estimated to reduce projected future statewide electric system costs by nearly $2 billion.
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