Solar racking manufacturer Unirac launched its Master Installer Program in 2020 to offer its customers hands-on training with solar racking installation, design and system optimization and troubleshooting. In this episode, we’re joined by Braden Laumbach, program coordinator, and Zak Kushner, installer sales specialist manager, with Unirac, to explore what the company’s customer initiatives like the Master Installer Program have to offer for the solar industry.
Below is an excerpt of Unirac’s Solar Spotlight podcast, but be sure to listen to the full episode here or on your favorite podcast app.
What are some of the different customer programs available to solar installation companies and installers through Unirac?

Braden Laumbach, program coordinator, Unirac.
BL: Unirac offers two specific programs. One of them is our Certified Installer Program (CIP). That’s more of a business-to-business partnership. Think of it as like “loyalty rewards.” Through that partnership, not only do we gain a better understanding of the installers’ needs and how we can best serve them, but also help them further differentiate themselves within their market, continue to win, grow with them. And then the other program that we have in place is our Master Installer Program. MIP is an online training resource. This is more targeted at the individual installers, the boots on the roof, if you will.
What prompted Unirac to create these programs? What problem are you solving by doing so?
ZK: So, I would say solar being still pretty new, there is an overturn of solar installers for different companies. And the MIP’s main focus is to really just spread knowledge and how to show solar installers the ropes. It starts out very green and basic. It starts out with, here’s how you set up your safety access zones. Here’s how you lay out your install array on the roof, and then it gets further into the weeds of installing attachments and what to do if you miss pilot holes and all that kind of stuff.
What are the key features of MIP? What sets it apart from many of the other solar installer training programs available today?

Zak Kushner, installer sales specialist manager, Unirac.
BL: I would say the experience behind it and the experience taking it is really what differentiates MIP. The experience that went into producing those courses, writing that curriculum, that’s coming from our team of installer sales specialists who in their former lives all were installers. I mean, we have decades of experience on the roof, installing solar running a crew, and utilizing that experience building that curriculum. It’s very easy to intake, the information. It’s very interactive. It’s not a death by PowerPoint.
Who is the program open to and how much does it cost? How can interested individuals or companies get involved?
BL: So that’s the beauty of MIP, is it’s at no cost, and it’s open to any installer wanting to learn more about Unirac. They can work with their closest regional rep or reach out to myself, follow up on our social media, and we can get them set up in MIP. They can go through, learn about our products. It’s a very accessible program to all installers out there.
ZK: It’s as simple as reaching out to your Unirac rep of your area.
This podcast is sponsored by Unirac
I think the MIP can help enhance my business growth and would like expose all of my installers to it