Comments on: 3SUN expects its American-made solar cells to enter market in 2025 /2023/10/3sun-expects-its-american-made-solar-cells-to-enter-market-in-2025/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Tue, 03 Oct 2023 21:14:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gregory Smith /2023/10/3sun-expects-its-american-made-solar-cells-to-enter-market-in-2025/#comment-142244 Tue, 03 Oct 2023 21:14:56 +0000 /?p=103681#comment-142244 I’m a Solar Power Expert and an Oklahoman from birth
So it is very positive to see Oklahoma choose an
Industry star to host and benefit so many ways!
Tulsa, Oklahoma is a good area to start with, and
Employees will be easy to find in the many metro populations.
However, I was concerned when I heard this company would
be using thin film style modules. Due to their limited
Lifetimes of energy production and at a very low
Efficiency scale. Mission solar, in San Antonio, Texas
already makes a fairly good, low end module.
But now that this plant has decided to make their own solar cells
this issue will likely be less of a concern!
What does need to be talked about are the many ways
these biracial cells can be incorporated into
Specialty solar cells for multiple applications.
In Oklahoma, every square mile of our state has something using
Electrical power. Solar Residential modules will sell fast once
Oklahomans start getting information that fulfills their business
needs. Sun Power will likely however, be the winner for
Residential consumers at 23% efficient. Best of Luck!
