Comments on: Sunrun is testing three F-150 Lightning trucks in bidirectional power plant program in Maryland /2024/07/sunrun-is-testing-three-f-150-lightning-trucks-in-bidirectional-power-plant-program-in-maryland/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Sun, 28 Jul 2024 22:38:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solarman2 /2024/07/sunrun-is-testing-three-f-150-lightning-trucks-in-bidirectional-power-plant-program-in-maryland/#comment-146586 Sun, 28 Jul 2024 22:38:51 +0000 /?p=106826#comment-146586 The mention of a Sunrun home energy system is the tell of the technology stack needed to functionally connect a “bidirectional” BEV to allow TOU grid services or off grid home back up in resiliency mode if say an ice storm takes down the local feeder or in areas like California a PSPS is invoked and it could last for hours and has lasted in the past for at least 3 days. Some of the articles claims are suspicious at best. The claims are with a full battery pack and an “average” of 30kWh a day usage this looks like 1.25kWh constant for 24 hours in a day. The claim is also 10 days if one is using power shedding software to allow only 375Wh for 24 hours a day. Basically one is supposed to DO 3 days with 90kWh of battery pack available at an average of 1.25kWh per hour continuous and 9000kWh/day for a continuous 375Wh per hour. Yeah, use the IRA ITC install solar PV on your roof and a smart hybrid interactive string inverter with automatic transfer switch, the hook up the vehicle local inverter with perhaps 7.2kW of output into the smart inverter, if or when the home battery runs down to around 30% SoC, then start up the hybrid A.C. battery charger function in the inverter and feed vehicle energy into the house battery to keep it charged up longer, How big of a house battery connected to solar PV would you need? I’d say easy from 20kWh to 40kWh and larger if you can afford it.

Of course one is talking about a $75K to $85K F150 Lightning from Flash to Lariat and another $10K for the Sunrun system, but with minimal battery storage. IF one can float $85K for a BEV truck, then another $42K for the home system with 40kWh energy storage and around 16kWp roof array would serve better, with the vehicle battery pack as the last resort. Just sayin’. What price does one put on energy security? I’d imagine there’s some folks in California and in Texas that are asking themselves this after a storm or wild fire that flares up on any given day.
