Comments on: GE Vernova launches 2,000-V inverter for utility-scale solar projects /2024/09/ge-vernova-launches-2000-v-inverter-for-utility-scale-solar-projects/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Thu, 12 Sep 2024 22:57:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solarman2 /2024/09/ge-vernova-launches-2000-v-inverter-for-utility-scale-solar-projects/#comment-147043 Thu, 12 Sep 2024 22:57:30 +0000 /?p=107356#comment-147043 The higher the voltage the better as the step up transformer feeding the transmission line can be any where from 230KVA to 500KVA with different inputs from the wound generators either water, fuel or heat driven. this could look like a very large generator of 16.5KVA stepped up to 230KVA, this seems to be what Hoover dam is doing. Every transformer step up or down is about a 3% power loss from the generation station to end user.

In this day and age of electronics and new SiC switching transistors being developed and put into systems, there may be a day where one is using some kind of Terra capacitor electronically creating 20KVA to 50KVA output at the inverter switched energy output into the transmission line step up transformer. GE has already proven their earlier grid inverter designs can be used as black start capable when needed from the site’s ESS facility. Large heavy rotating mass generator alternators are not needed for a local micro-grid to macro-grid installation leveraging energy storage and fast response electronics to keep grids out of cascading grid failures. Now electric utilities need to decide on a safe, cheap and Long Term Energy Storage facility like maybe redox flow batteries or the new Form Energy Iron/Air, “rust batteries” can be designed for 100 hour energy storage, this is where distributed micro/macro-grids should be designed to use. The slow to accept paradigm shift that one could run a system off of two large solar PV farms, both could have an ESS facility and each facility could be designed for daytime use or the suns energy could be stored during the day and dispatched at night. In the meantime any over generation from say a wind farm could be captured by one or both solar PV farms depending on overall power block design characteristics.
