Comments on: How American is your solar panel? Ensuring U.S. tax credits don't benefit China-influenced companies is a complex task. /2024/09/how-american-is-your-solar-panel/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Fri, 04 Oct 2024 11:45:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom /2024/09/how-american-is-your-solar-panel/#comment-147170 Tue, 24 Sep 2024 13:03:30 +0000 /?p=107412#comment-147170 In reply to Linda Gerlip.

That ignores the GNP value of world trade.

Chinese companies building in the USA may be as economic beneficial as US owned companies building here. I am not sure how the country benefits from US capitalists making money as opposed to Chinese capitalists (?) making money. For example, would we benefit from Elon Musk making more money and using it to influence American politics or sending a Tesla into space?

Keeping the American dollar in America is a complex economic puzzle, and the information we are fed is mostly propaganda.

By: Linda Gerlip /2024/09/how-american-is-your-solar-panel/#comment-147166 Tue, 24 Sep 2024 01:01:35 +0000 /?p=107412#comment-147166 Totally agree. Let’s keep the American dollar where it belongs, in America.

By: Solarman2 /2024/09/how-american-is-your-solar-panel/#comment-147165 Tue, 24 Sep 2024 00:38:37 +0000 /?p=107412#comment-147165 ” Head-to-head, we’re happy to compete. But until that supply chain dominance, which gives that extra leverage, until that’s whittled away, we can’t move forward.”

Therein is the conundrum in a circular everlasting link of the overall supply chain that is pretty much owned by China. Right now, today, you almost exclusively have to use Chinese amorphous, crystalline silicon wafer foundrys in China. In consideration probably much more than 50% of all silicon based solar PV cells are being manufactured in China from Chinese silicon, foundry, silicon boule pulling and wafer cutting and processing plants all in China. The consideration is this is when OPEC is replaced by SCEC, that would be (Supply Chain Exporting China). This puts many countries in the World at risk of their National Security. China is in the position to wrap their substantial “supply chain” around the manufacturing facilities of the World and “Jerk them around, like a big dumb dog, on a short leash.” It has to be uncomfortable to realize, it is just one geopolitical event and World wide sanctions that can functionally put American manufacturing on its knees in one fell swoop.

Just sayin, this country needs to perhaps move towards First Solar’s business model sooner than later. First Solar is in the process of finding a cheap manufacturing line for tandem maybe even multi-junction thin film Perovskite cells and a solar PV panels that is 30%(+) efficiency and use the already developed First Solar cradle to cradle cell recycling program. Then go one step further and use low carbon thin film solar PV panels on the manufacturing facility to help manufacture solar PV panels and drastically reduce the carbon footprint of the company, with the electricity from the sun. Building solar PV using solar PV.
