Comments on: New name ready to make HJT solar panels in Virginia /2024/11/new-name-ready-to-make-hjt-solar-panels-in-virginia/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Fri, 06 Dec 2024 02:28:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solarman2 /2024/11/new-name-ready-to-make-hjt-solar-panels-in-virginia/#comment-148083 Fri, 06 Dec 2024 02:28:55 +0000 /?p=107884#comment-148083 “Class said Solarix has formed a production relationship with an American manufacturer that primarily makes HJT solar cells for space applications. The undisclosed company is considering building a facility to supply Solarix with cells, but nothing is yet finalized.”

I find this interesting from the perspective of the recent geopolitics of focusing on Chinese adherence to the U.S. UFLPA and recent AD/CVD filing against companies in Malyasia doing and end run around tariffs on Chinese materials and sub-assemblies like solar PV cells.

It seems so far Maxeon has run afoul of the UFLPA and perhaps AD/CVD filings recently from the likes of Auxin. This seems to be the reason of Maxeon having to hold solar PV panels in Mexico by CBP action due to the supposed lack of paperwork proving Maxeon is ‘not’ violating the UFLPA and AD/CVD filed by Auxin. The U.S. has First Solar, but does need crystalline silicon, materials, cells and panels (manufactured) in the U.S., this should be fast tracked sooner than later to get certified panels from certified materials, right here in the U.S.. A couple of possibilities is SPI Energy or REVCOR Energy here in the U.S..
