New solar panel company NuVision Solar announced plans to start a 2.5-GW solar cell and panel manufacturing facility in the United States. The company will create 500 jobs at the operation, stated as being in West Palm Beach, Florida.
NuVision intends to manufacture bifacial modules using heterojunction technology (HJT).
Few other details have been released. Online documents list the principal address for NuVision as the former SolarTech Universal panel assembly factory in Riviera Beach, Florida. The site was also once leased by Heliene. Company executives claim 58 years of combined experience in HJT manufacturing. NuVision CTO Tom Mueller previously worked for SunPower/Maxeon, and NuVision COO Paul Roraff previously held positions at SolarTech and Heliene.
“Heterojunction technology enables us to achieve exceptional cell efficiencies and consistently high performance across a wide range of conditions,” Mueller said.
NuVision will be the brand of solar panels, while a sister company called Hybrid Cell Technology will make the HJT cells in the same Florida facility.
No timeline was provided on cell production, but modules should begin being assembled at the site in Q4 2025.
One can only (hope) this is not another Violet Power Solar PV “manufacturer” that was supposed to manufacture solar PV panels in Moses Lake Washington, with a “promise” of IBC contacts and a (50) year performance warranty. “IF it ‘sounds’ too good to be true, it probably is”. Where does NuVision Solar get their “solar cells”, perhaps China’s Huasun Energy or perhaps Tongwei? Will the burgeoning FEOC determination have an adverse effect on the BABAA that may collide with NuVision’s “assembly line” and price point in the U.S.? I’m not seeing giving NuVision a year to get their supply chains developed within U.S. borders or with U.S. trading partners as doable in a year or even two. Your tax dollars at work, or NOT.
I’m with you on this one. This sounds like more of the same…’loans that you don’t have to pay back’ deals that we’ve seen in the past. These players also sound familiar. Not newbies’ for sure,
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