Comments on: Not enough US solar panels are being made for federal government needs Solar panel waiver suggested for Build America, Buy America requirement /2024/12/not-enough-us-solar-panels-are-being-made-for-federal-government-needs/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Tue, 17 Dec 2024 00:04:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solarman2 /2024/12/not-enough-us-solar-panels-are-being-made-for-federal-government-needs/#comment-148283 Tue, 17 Dec 2024 00:04:27 +0000 /?p=108118#comment-148283 “Due to the lack of domestically assembled solar panels using American components, the groups are proposing to waive their required use through Dec. 31, 2025.”

This “assembled in America” concept is a little sketchy when one thinks back to articles published here on AD/CVD complaints files by Auxin and others and the revelation that China owns about 80% of the Worlds manufacturing of silicon foundries used World wide for silicon wafers and complete Solar PV cells manufactured in China. Where oh where is that IC Chips and Sciences Act, when you need the local supply chain for National manufacturing plants (in) the U.S.?

Thanks for the waiver announcement link.

“At the very least, the administration must impose Foreign Entity of Concern (FEOC) restrictions before finalizing these waivers so Chinese companies assembling solar panels in the United States don’t receive American taxpayer dollars via government purchasing.”

Uncordially, the U.S. Government making their bed and now having to lie in it. While the tax payers continue to “pay for this”.
