Comments on: 2025 solar, storage and electrification predictions Solar veteran Barry Cinnamon shares with SPW his take on the industry. /2025/01/2025-solar-storage-and-electrification-predictions/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Mon, 13 Jan 2025 20:44:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solarman2 /2025/01/2025-solar-storage-and-electrification-predictions/#comment-148706 Mon, 13 Jan 2025 20:44:56 +0000 /?p=108248#comment-148706 Grid defection, there is a consideration, that since homes connected to the grid for the vast majority of homes in the U.S., keep the grid, install a larger solar PV array on the home’s roof or perhaps a detached shade structure as a roof of solar PV commercial panels instead of a shingled roof, perhaps a ground mount system on property. I’m thinkin’ grid agnostic, where the substantial encompassing systems allow something on the order of a GENERAC PWRCell, Sonnen Core(+), Briggs and Stratton, Schneider Home system to be part of the system one buys and has installed. With a large enough battery pack, one could actually perform a capability to self consume solar PV after the sun goes down, ride through TOU rate periods each day, powershed during a power outage or PSPS for home critical circuits and become [Grid Agnostic]. PG&E should be afraid, very afraid. Decades of PG&E dividends over O&M is becoming the reckoning for both PG&E AND the residential customers from now on.

On that note I recall an artical written by you some years back where you performed an energy audit and made several changes and upgrades to your personal home. It seems it cost you at the time $85K and you figured out it would take about 8 years for a ROI. Since then it seems PG&E has accelerated its undergrounding efforts and as such have increased electricity rates since then, how did this effect your overall ROI for the system from your initial calculations?

By: Kris Moe /2025/01/2025-solar-storage-and-electrification-predictions/#comment-148638 Thu, 09 Jan 2025 19:28:04 +0000 /?p=108248#comment-148638 Thanks Barry! Also heard this on your latest podcast.
