Comments on: Battery anode material AD/CVD worries energy storage and EV market /2025/01/battery-anode-material-ad-cvd-worries-energy-storage-and-ev-market/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Fri, 10 Jan 2025 21:29:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solarman2 /2025/01/battery-anode-material-ad-cvd-worries-energy-storage-and-ev-market/#comment-148635 Thu, 09 Jan 2025 16:03:17 +0000 /?p=108295#comment-148635 “In Dec. 2024, the American Active Anode Material Producers (AAAMP) filed petitions with the Dept. of Commerce and U.S. International Trade Commission seeking AD/CVD on imports of battery anode materials from China. AAAMP says that China’s dominance on active anode material (AAM) production has prohibited the domestic market from establishing competitive operations.”

How soon (we) forget. Initial company A123 was a developed LFP chemistry and actual manufacturing facility in Michigan. The story goes, A123 sunk substantial monies into the manufacturing facility in the “understanding” that GM was going to use substantial amounts of A123 (LFP) batteries in their Chevrolet Volt hybrids. Chevrolet changed (its) mind and went with LG Chem, now LGES battery packs. The slide to oblivion and BK court where A123 was chopped up and Chinese company Wanxiang Group ended up with the “lion’s share” of A123’s IP for pennies on the dollar. Now (supposedly) company ABF (American Battery Factory), Kore Power and LGES have built or are building LFP battery manufacturing in Arizona for several GWh of cells per year. Now the question is “where” does their AAM and CAM supply chains come from? Yeah, battery packs going from $120/kWh to $255/kWh is a losing proposition and unwanted challenge in the years to come. It has been predicted for at least utility scale energy storage, when costs are down to around $20-$50/kWh then energy storage and dispatch will push mechanical generation out of the Peak standby market allowing more coal plants and even natural gas peaker plants to fall into the decommissioning queues.
