Arizona solar homeowners are stuck with a fixed grid charge after a recent Arizona Corporation Commission decision.
Commerce reveals antidumping tariff rates on Southeast Asian solar panels
Washington, D.C.
Following the Dept. of Commerce’s preliminary decision to impose countervailing duties (CVD) on silicon solar cell imports from Southeast Asia, the federal government has preliminarily decided to enforce antidumping (AD) tariffs as well. The government published the new AD rates, ranging from 0% to over 271%.
Treasury releases final rules on Sec. 48 ITC
Washington, D.C.
The Dept. of the Treasury in December released final rules governing the ITC and its definitions of property eligible for the credit. Projects that began construction before Jan. 1, 2025, can claim the Sec. 48 ITC, but after that, the ITC and PTC will transition to the technology-neutral “clean electricity production credit” and “clean electricity investment credit.”
Not enough US solar panels are being made for federal government needs
Washington, D.C.
Numerous government agencies have proposed a one-year waiver of the manufactured product requirements for domestically assembled solar panels used in federal infrastructure projects due to lack of availability. The groups are proposing to waive their required use through Dec. 31, 2025.
Sec. 301 tariffs increased on Chinese polysilicon and wafers
Washington, D.C.
In its ongoing review of Sec. 301 tariffs on Chinese goods, the Office of the United States Trade Representative announced increased tariffs on certain tungsten products, wafers and polysilicon. The rates for tungsten products will increase to 25%, and the rates for solar wafers and polysilicon will increase to 50% starting Jan. 1, 2025.
Conservative state legislator org passes resolution supporting solar for farmers
Washington, D.C.
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), an organization of state legislators dedicated to the principles of free markets and federalism, passed a resolution supporting community solar and agrivoltaic projects on farmland. The conservative group hopes to cut red tape for counties looking to increase adoption of this segment of solar power.
Arizona Corporation Commission upholds Grid Access Charge
Phoenix, Arizona
Arizona rooftop solar customers will still be required to pay a monthly Grid Access Charge after the Arizona Corporation Commission voted 3-1 in favor of it in December. According to the Arizona Republic, the commission called it “just, reasonable and in the public interest.”
“The government published the new AD rates, ranging from 0% to over 271%.” As Chef Emeril Lagasse used to say, (BAM!!!). A 271% tariff is not only onerous, but a clear , “don’t come around here no more”, message.
Yeah, Government waivers for assembled panels used in Government projects, yet, I can’t get a Maxeon series 7 panel due to CBP interference in panels that (may) be in violation of the UFLPA. YOUR tax dollars at work, or not.
“… the rates for solar wafers and polysilicon will increase to 50% starting Jan. 1, 2025.” So, the government wants to put a moratorium on “assembled panels” in the U.S. for Government projects, yet allows 301 document guidance to bump up wafers from China 50%, how is THIS guidance going to work for the residential and commercial sector?
“Arizona rooftop solar customers will still be required to pay a monthly Grid Access Charge after the Arizona Corporation Commission voted 3-1 in favor of it in December.”
Welcome to Arizona and welcome to the “sun tax”. The ACC has failed to vet the APS opinion sent for validation by the commission. Instead of (partnering) with solar PV adopters reported to be 200,000 in Arizona right now, these folks will be penalized for sending excess energy back onto the grid without compensation or consideration what a distributed energy generation resource is ‘worth’. IF the ACC allows APS to charge a “grid access charge”, THEN I want to charge APS a (lease charge) for the “right of way” that brings their wiring to my home through my property line. APS, SRP, TEP have gone on record as “looking” at partnerships for DER entities as aggregate VPP and energy storage plants, yet, are now foisting this burden of the “grid access charge”. What’s to stop APS from getting this “grid access charge” from ALL meters connected to the local grid system?